The simple &
effective classroom
management solution
What We Do
JoinInClass solves your Bring your own device (BYOD) problems by providing a simple console for teachers to monitor, control student devices, issue tests, provide feedback, and more!
• Present to student devices
• Monitor student devices
• Lock screens & disable VPNs
• Record screen activity
• Quiz simple Q&A or formative assessment
• Single Click Install for Mac, PC, and iOS!
What We Do

It’s important to know what students are up to when they’re in class, but it’s not always possible to get a good view of their screens.
JoinInClass solves this problem by providing teachers with an easy way to view what is on student’s screens at any time during the class.

No more time wasted gathering students to sit in front of a projector, or looking over their shoulder to make sure they are following a presentation.
JoininClass allows teachers to demonstrate a
slideshow or tutorial by projecting it to all devices, in real time!

It’s one thing to know what your students are up to but the real power of JoinInClass is the control it gives to the teachers.
JoinInClass allows you to lock students screens, direct students to specific web pages, and much more!
Installation Process

The ‘Join In’ classroom solution enables teachers and students to interact using their BYOD laptops or class PC’s.

The teacher is able to monitor and record student activity, quickly test students, send web

The ‘Join In’ classroom solution requires the ‘Join
In Teacher’ application to be installed on the teacher’s classroom…